My One Word for 2017

Saturday, 31 December 2016

I dont know about you but making new year's resolutions just dont do it for me and they dont work. I have come across a site entitled My One Word which you can get HERE which basically all you do is pray and choose one word - yep just one word for the coming year.

I have chosen the word Discipline as I need much more of this in life and I need to be disciplined in different areas such as:

  • Prayer
  • Reading His Word
  • Excising 
  • Losing Weight
on a daily basis plus I need God to be in my decision making first and foremost. I need to be disciplined in all areas of my life and a couple of things I have not listed here ....... but for me this is my one word for 2017.

What is your word for the coming year - please let me know by posting a comment on here.

Be blessed

Every Blessing,

Wednesday Snap Shot

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Wednesday Snap Shot is a quick peek into my week.

If you'd like to join in on my Wednesday Snap Shot.. copy and paste my post, add your answers (you can also copy the pic).. link your post to my blog and then come back and let me know you shared your week. I'll come and visit you and read about your homemaking week!! :) and you can go to Crystal's Blog here who started the Wednesday Snap Shot HERE

So Far This WeekThis Christmas has been a hard one and though at the same time it was nice being able to spend this special time with friends. Two Christmas meals and turkey and ham to bring home to my kitten Jack of which he was thankful for lol - well it didnt take him long to polish off his food :)

On My To-Do ListYesterday I put away all my Cards and threw out the table wreath as it was falling apart lol. The door wreath I took down and put it back in its box which is now in one of the hall cupboards until next year.

My goals for this week are:
to make a card for my Niece which I have done plus I have written two birthday cards and wrapped up two presents for friends ready to post on Saturday

Grocery Shopping online
Go into town to do some therapy shopping

Projects I'm Working On I am starting to think about the New Year right now and starting a prayer journal and my planner. If I become more organised I will get prayer pages for my planner which I am aiming on doing in the next week or so. Something which is new to me is working on my one word for the year and apart from Crystal, does anyone else do this. If you are not familiar with this you can see more info HERE.

Today's WeatherHigh of around 9 degrees and a low of 4 degrees. it has been sunny all day but with a hard frost on the ground for most of the day

The View from where I am sitting:

This is Jack my seven month old kitten sprawled out on the bed lol

What I'm Reading
I am still reading Beauty for Ashes from Joyce Meyer and this is a brilliant book for women. The book is about receiving emotional healing from all kinds of areas that may be needed during your life. It is a good book and one I hope to come back to time and time again.

In regards to the Bible - I will be starting a new reading plan on January 1st plus a study book on how to study the bible when I hopefully get this in the mail next week with an online group of women called Lamp and Light on Facebook - feel free to join us if you feel led :)

What I'm Listening ToThe soft purr of my cat which soothes me and the quiet gentle hum of my laptop. Otherwise you can hear a pin drop in my apartment lol

Something Frugal I've Done This WeekI had some left over tomatoes and onions so I made a Lentil and Tomato Soup which is very yummy and the recipe you can find below. I also have some turkey bones to make stock out of which I will do towards the end of the week.

Fitness for the WeekThis has not started yet but I aim to start walking for about an hour a day if I can and I plan on getting a fitbit charger or something similar if |I can to help me with the exercise I need to do.

Every Blessing,

At The Pulpit - A Fictional Short Story

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

One Wintry November evening

Brrr, it was cold outside and Mr Frost had already begun his visit I noticed as soon as I opened my front door. Wrapping the scarf around my neck so as to keep out the winter chill, I closed the front door. I made my way down the steps and out onto a pavement that was buzzing with people – unusual for this time of evening I thought. Where did all these people come from?  Where were they going? Then it dawned on me, middle of November; today was Thursday, which meant late night shopping had begun.  Great, just what I didn’t need! I felt a little pang of guilt then and as quickly as this thought popped into my head - I got rid of it.   

It seemed to me that Christmas seemed to be getting earlier and earlier each year, even the Christmas lights were all switched on I noticed as I neared the shopping mall.  All along the sidewalks, shops were gaily lit with colourful lights, windows adorned with decorations & lots of gifts displayed in the windows to entice the shoppers.

I hurried along wanting to get away from both the gaiety that seemed to be all around plus the sharp crispness of the air – I wrapped the scarf even tighter around me, boy it was cold. Crossing the road, I hurried down a side street which was also brightly lit and for this I was thankful. I checked my watch to realise that I was running later than intended, so I quickened my pace until finally I was outside the gates to the church.

I hurried on into the building to find that I was not the only one who was late which was a relief. I removed my gloves and scarf – it was so nice to be in the warm and away from the coldness outside.  The church building, I suddenly realised, was already packed full of people as I looked around for a spare seat which I eventually spotted over on the on the far left hand side of the large room. 

The speaker had already begun which meant that the worship was going to take place later on in the evening.  If I had left home a little earlier then I wouldn’t have missed the beginning but, at least at the end of the service I could purchase the teaching on cd – this was something that had only just started and was a fabulous blessing especially for those who couldn’t make any of the services. Oh yes, this was a blessing indeed!

I reached into my bag, took out my bible, notepad and pen and settled myself back into the seat to listen to the words being spoken by the speaker at the front. This was a guy who was very well known in various countries. A preacher, who over the years had become renowned for his gift of teaching; A preacher, who had the ability to capture and hold the attention of his audience, who also had this perfect knack of making  them laugh at exactly the right moment.  Oh indeed, he was good and he was a man whom I had come to admire & respect over the years. 

I smiled then remembering how we first met, which was at Bible College many years ago. From that very first meeting, we both somehow knew that the Lord had not only bought us together, but we were destined to be together for the rest of our lives. Just at the moment, the preacher in the pulpit at the front, caught my gaze and smiled. My heart melted as always when he smiled at me in this way. You see, this man in the pulpit was not only a gifted international speaker who was loved by so many, but to me he was even more special. For at the end of the day this was a man whom the Lord had given to me all those years ago – this very special man was my husband.

Every Blessing,

Lentil and Tomato Soup

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

A hearty and satisfying soup, sprinkled with grated cheese - this is a meal in itself......

small onion 1
Tomatoes 8oz (225g) I used to large Beef Tomatoes
Oil 2 tbsps
Lentils 4 ozs (100g)
Tomato Juice 1/2 pint  = 2 cups (I used 1 pint = 4 cups)
Vegetable Stock 1.1/2 pints - 3 cups....(I used 1 pint = 2 cups)
Thyme 1/2 tsp
yeast extract 1/2 tsp
salt and pepper to taste

Chop the onion and tomatoes. Heat the oil in a pan and saute the onion until transparent. Add the remaining ingredients, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.Adjust seasoning to taste.

I did blend the soup but you dont have to do that. Serve cheese on top if so desired and/or serve with nice crusty bread or toast.


Every Blessing,


Tuesday, 27 December 2016

The poem below I wrote about a store called Roots that was an up and coming food store/coffee shop in the heart of Taunton. Sadly this store is no longer there but I had so much fun writing this poem I have to say so enjoy :)


Deep in the heart of a Somerset town
Is a store that is becoming very renowned
For all of its fare is quite simply the best
Everything produced; comes from the west

Tucked down a bustling country lane
Is where you’ll see them and Roots is their name
So next time you are heading out this way
Don’t forget to pop in at some point in the day

The cheeses & cakes you’ll simply adore
And will have you come back begging for more
Their chocolate and yoghurts so divine
Will bring back memories of childhood times

Everything made is local and fresh
Even their produce you’ll find full of zest
Organically grown and pesticide free
Nothing but goodness, just taste and see

You can even go in for a coffee and chat
And catch up on news, so how’s about that
Whilst there make sure you look around
For their info you’ll see is quite profound

On entering, you are met with a smile
For customers, Roots will go one extra mile
So helpful and friendly, knowledgeable too
Enthusiasm shines through in all that they do

The girls who run it are so full of mirth
And they regularly support friends of the earth
Hard working, charming and so full of wit
Their ease with customers is quite simply a hit

Also proud sponsors of Skippy the hen
She was rescued from living in a battery pen
As well as Skippy there is much more to say

If you love local foods, this store is for you
A delight to the eyes as soon as you walk through
A joy and experience not to be missed
Shopping there is none other than simply, pure bliss

Copyright Page Alexanda 2006

Every Blessing,

Forward To The Past

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

This poem I wrote when I first started a different blog around four years ago and I thought I would post the poem on here :)

Forward to the past sounds complicated right? wrong
Standing at the crossroads wondering which way to turn
To move forward or to take a turn to the left or the right
Whichever decision you make, it has to be one that is bright

Forward to the past means not turning the clock back
And there is no turning round and turning away
For that would be a foolish thing to do for sure
As standing here in a quandary, thoughts are bound to be raw

Forward to the past, which way is the way to go
Therefore ask and you will see, seek and you will find
Look at the old paths and you will find rest
Rest for your souls, and walking therein is best

Forward to the past hearken until his Word
For this is what you are called to do throughout life
For if you follow his calling you can only go onwards
And on and on and on, all the way going forward

Forward to the past, moving on into the future
Make sure you are not standing at the gates looking back
Looking back into the past and yesteryears of life
Hearken unto His Word and step into the gateway you know is right

Forward to the past sounds complicated right? Wrong
Just look at the road ahead and keep going
Moving together into the Promised Land
Where you will find God’s promises are all at hand

From Jeremiah 6:16
Copyright Page Alexanda 2012

Every Blessing,

Menu Plan Week Beg 26/12/2016

Monday, 26 December 2016

Merry Christmas Dear Friends :)

Here is my menu plan for this coming week and starting the new year I will be adding a bit more each week to my menu plan :)

Monday - Christmas Buffet with friends
Tuesday - Christmas Buffet with more friends 
Wednesday - Christmas Dinner left overs plus Yule Log and Christmas Pudding
Thursday -Lentil and Tomato Soup (recipe to follow) with bread
Friday -Spagetti Bolognase 
Saturday - Smorgosboard 
Sunday possibly out to lunch with friends

So how is your Christmas menu week looking :)

Every Blessing,

How to make vegetable stock from scraps

Monday, 26 December 2016

Here is what you'll need!

How to Make Easy Veggie Stock With Kitchen Scraps
Makes roughly 3 quarts

Onions (tops, bottoms, and skins)
Celery (tops and bottoms)
Carrots (tops, bottoms, and skins)
Mushrooms (stems)
Garlic (tops, bottoms, and skins)
Potatoes (tops, bottoms, and skins)
Parsley (stems)

You can add many other vegetable scraps (think sweet!) - i.e. corn cobs, winter squash, zucchini, and other squash, beet greens, fennel, chard, lettuce, parsnips, green beans, pea pods, bell peppers, eggplant, mushrooms, asparagus, and herbs like dill, thyme, parsley, cilantro, and basil.

Remove the tops/bottoms/skins/stems from any vegetables you are preparing (avoid vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, or cauliflower as they will add a bitter taste to your stock) and place them in a ziplock bag - they can stay frozen up to 6 months.
Continue like this until bag is full.
Dump bag into pot and fill ¾ of the pot (or until scraps just start to float) with water. 
Bring water to a boil and then let it simmer for at least 30 minutes.
Strain water out of stock.
Refrigerate stock up to 4 days, or freeze up to 3 months.

Every Blessing,

Should Believers Keep The Sabbath

Monday, 7 November 2016

This has been a difficult subject to research as there are different viewpoints but at the end of the day we need to return to what Scripture says.

In Romans 14:5 it declares one man considers one day more sacred than another, another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.

The scriptures stated above make it clear that sabbath keeping for the believer is a matter of spiritual freedom not a command from God. We are not to judge one another in regards to the sabbath for this is a matter in which each believer needs to be fully convinced in their own mind. Sabbath keeping was not a command the apostles felt necessary to force onto gentile believers.

It does state in Exodus 20:8-11 that the believer is to do no work on the sabbath day. Also nowhere in scripture does it state that the sabbath was a day of worship. Wherever a meeting is said to be on the sabbath, this is a meeting of Jews and/or Gentile converts to Judaism not for Christians.

Acts 2:46-47 states that every day was a day of worship. Believers broke bread in their homes and ate together with a gladness of hearts. If there was a day that Christians met together regularly, it was a Sunday not a Saturday. Acts 20:17, Corinthians 16:2.  In honour of Christ's resurrection on Sunday, the early Christians observed Sunday not as the "Christian" sabbath but as a day to especially worship Jesus. There is nothing wrong with worshipping on the Jewish sabbath. We should worship God every day. There is freedom in Christ 2 Corinthians 3:17, Galations 5:1.

If a believer feels led to do so, then they can practise sabbath keeping which includes not working on the sabbath. Romans 14:5 but we are called not to judge believers who wish to do this Colossians 2:16.

The entire law is summed up in a single commandment which is love your neighbour as yourself.

God has been speaking to me about keeping the sabbath as a set apart day but this is personal to me. Many believers today do things differently asd as they feel led. Each persons walk with The Father is unique to them and we must remember and respect that.


Every Blessing,


Monday, 24 October 2016

Every day I have choices to make
I need to guard my thoughts in every way
I am in control
So therefore I need to be bold
And step out in faith
Rather than just playing it safe

I am responsible for my mind
What I put into it can’t be timed
If I think better, I will be better
I am in control
So therefore I need to be bold
My life will be so very different
I have no excuse to be ignorant

Happiness is something I decide
Ahead of time, I need to abide
Through my heart, my mouth speaks
I am in control
So therefore I need to be bold
By putting on the mind of Christ
Before I speak, I will think twice

My old life no longer exists
The new one I need to enlist
I am in control
So therefore I need to be bold
I am starting all over again
But in my life you will overall reign

I have so much to be thankful for
A future in Him I know for sure
I am in control
Therefore I need to be bold
And ask for His help in every way
Praising God for His mind each day
Copyright: Page Alexanda 2016

Every Blessing,

Give Praise Unto The King

Monday, 10 October 2016

Give praise unto The King
For He is worthy to be praised
Lift up Holy hands to Him
Throughout all your days
Jump up and down singing Hallelujah

Give praise unto The King
He is The Lord Of Lords
Hosanna is His name
Blameless we come before His throne
Forever He remains the same

How glorious and awesome is He
Give praise unto The King
For in Him we live and move
And have our being
Singing, rejoicing, praising

The Holy One Of Israel, all seeing
Give a mighty shout
Give praise unto The King
Come before Him with dancing
With cymbals and the lyre

With all your being, worship Him
He will catch your heart on fire
In His presence you'll find favour
Give praise unto The King
Alpha and Omega, beginning and End

Search and you will find Him
Giving thanks to Him always
Forever He'll be your friend
Might and just is He in all ways
Give praise unto The King

For in Him we live and move
And have our being
Singing, rejoicing, praising
He is The Mighty God
The Holy One Of Israel, all seeing
Give a mighty shout
Give praise unto The King
Copywrite Page Alexanda 2016

Every Blessing,

You Are Worthy To Be Praised

Sunday, 9 October 2016

O Lord You have searched me
And know my innermost being
You know me inside out
So there is no point fleeing
From Your presence
From Your beauty
You are acquainted with all my ways

O Lord You are mighty
And laid Your hand upon me
From before the beginning
You knew everything this I see
So where can I go
So where can I hide
Your presence so incredible beyond belief

O Lord You are praise worthy
I lift my hands to You
No matter what life throws my way
I will worship You in all that I do
I bow down before You
Worship and adore You
Your presence is like nectar, so sweet

O Lord marvelous are Your works
I am fearfully and wonderfully made
How precious are Your thoughts
Towards me Lord every single day
Search my heart O God
You know me inside out
So lead me in Thy ways everlasting

How precious are You O Lord
I am high and lifted up
How subtle are Your ways
You are worthy to be praised
Taken from Psalm 139
Copyright: Page Alexanda 2016

Every Blessing,

His Glory

Sunday, 2 October 2016

The air that you breathe so silently so perfectly
So beautifully,
Was His gift given so uniquely to you
You are His true workmanship, a gift so truly
Perfected and only one that he alone could do
Just look and see all around you his creation
The birds, the flowers, leaves on the trees
He made everything so that you would know and see
His wonderful glory, so majestic and true
So real, so fabulous, so amazing
Wherever you are, just breathe in His wonderful air
The gift that only He alone could bare

The air that you breathe is exquisite, wondrous
And free
Therefore, just be all that he wants you to be
From the very beginning, you were formed
Along with the heavens, the stars, the earth
He had you in his mind all along
For only He knows where you belong
He knows everything about you,
Every tiny detail from the inside out
Your tears, your pain, laughter and joy
He made you in the very image of Him
His gift to you for which he went out on a limb

The air that you breathe is fragile, exquisite
Made gloriously
As right from the start he knew you would be set apart
He sees nothing but beauty in your very heart
He knows you so well, though you may not feel it
Or see it but it is so true
Do you know Him, can you see Him,
Can you feel Him
Just reach out and feel His love shine all around
For he is standing right beside you
Even carrying you when you need Him too
Just be still and allow his glory to shine through you

His glory that comes through the heavens
A gift for both you and me
So beautiful beyond belief
So majestic, so powerful, so real
There is no other gift on this earth for you that is ideal
He alone is majestic in everything that you see
He has created you for all that He wants you to be
So you see the air that you breathe so silently
So perfectly, so beautifully
Is His gift given so uniquely to you
For You are His workmanship, a gift so truly
Perfected and only one that He alone could do

© Page Alexanda 2016

Every Blessing,

Where do I go from here?

Thursday, 8 September 2016

My heart cries out to you
How much more can I endure
There’s so much more that I could do
I desire a life that is so pure
What more can I say
What can I do
Where do I go from here?

Everything seems such a mess
I just can’t seem to focus
I do know you only want for me what’s best
If I could fly like the locusts
What more can I say
What can I do
Where do I go from here?

If only life were so simple
It would be so great
My head feels like a big dimple
If only I would lie still and take the bait
What more can I say
What can I do
Where do I go from here?

Life is just one big struggle
But on and on I must go forward
There’s more to life than just cuddles
I’m heading homeward to the shoreward
What more can I say
What can I do
Where do I go from here?

Loneliness can be so hard
I desire to turn more to you
But I must get rid of this façade
And brave storms ahead in all I do
What more can I say
What can I do
Where do I go from here?

I can fly like the eagles
Like you said in your word
Soaring like the seagulls
Your words are the best I have heard
What more can I say
What can I do
I know where to go from here

I turn around and don’t look back
To the past and beyond
I let go and get rid of the burdened sack
Into the deepening pond
What more can I say
I know what to do
And that is just to look forward and follow you

Copyright Page Alexanda – July 2017

Every Blessing,

Strawberry Pavlova

Saturday, 11 June 2016

3 large egg whites
7/8s of a cup of (200grams) castor sugar
3 cups (600 grams) of fresh fruit (you don't have to use strawberries)
1.1/4 cups 300mls of double/heavy cream
icing sugar to dust over the top of pavlova


  • Heat oven to 150C.130C fan/gas2. 
  • get a baking tray and put a dash of oil and spread over bottom of baking tray before cutting out a piece of baking parchment and sticking that down onto the tray. I normally spread the very tiniest of amounts of oil over the baking parchment to prevent Pavlova sticking. to the paper.
  • whisk egg whites with a hand mixer until they form stiff peaks and then whistk in sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time until the meringue looks glossy.
  • Spread the meringue onto the baking tray to form a circle and make a dent in the middle of the Pavlova covering the bottom of the pavlova and then just form a wall around the pavlova (if this makes sense), basically making the sides of the meringue a little higher than the middle. 
  • Bake for 1 hour and then turn off the heat and let the Pavlova cool completely. I normally leave the pavlova in the oven overnight with the heat turned off.
  • When the meringue is cool, whip the cream until it is stiff and then put into the middle of the pavlova and it doesn't matter if cream goes over the edges of the Pavlova. 
  • Cut the strawberries in half and decorate the Pavlova and then dust icing sugar over the top and put in the fridge.
  • alternatively,with the fruit you can chop 1 cup of fresh fruit and place in food processor with 2 tablespoons of icing sugar and blitz until smooth then push the fruit mixture through a sieve and spread this fruit mixture over the top of the fruit once it is on the pavlova and then dust with icing sugar

Every Blessing,

Rice Pudding Recipe

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

This is the first time I have mad rice pudding in a saucepan and it worked out really well :)

  • 4 cups whole milk
  • 1/2 cup raw medium-grain white rice or pudding rice
  • Pinch salt
  • 1 vanilla bean, split, or 1-1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 large egg yolks
  • 1/3 cup sugar
Dump the milk, rice, salt, and split vanilla bean into a large, heavy saucepan (if you're using vanilla extract, don't add it yet). Bring to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer gently, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Uncover and continue simmering, stirring frequently, until the rice is tender and the pudding is reduced to about 3-1/2 cups, about 8 minutes. It's important to let the pudding simmer gently, not boil, and you'll need to stir constantly toward the end of cooking to prevent scorching.
In a medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla extract (if using). Slowly add the cooked rice mixture, whisking constantly. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan, making sure to scrape the bowl. Set the pan over medium-low heat and cook, stirring and scraping the sides and bottom of the pan constantly with a wooden spoon, until the mixture has thickened and coats the back of the spoon, about 1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat. Transfer the pudding to a bowl or serving dish and lay a sheet of plastic wrap right on the pudding's surface to prevent a skin from forming. If you've used a vanilla bean, fish it out when the pudding has cooled, scrape out the seeds, and stir the scrapings into the pudding. Discard the empty bean. Serve warm, at room temperature, or chilled.
to go with the rice pudding I smashed up half a punnet of strawberries and added castor sugar which should be really nice :)
Enjoy :)

Every Blessing,

Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Ok Ingredients are as follows:

2.1/4 cups (500mls) full fat milk
2,1/4 cups (500mls) double cream
1 cup (200grams) white sugar (not icing sugar though)
2.1/2 cups (475grams) whole strawberries
1/4 teaspoon salt

  • mash the strawberries (I used a potato masher) until all mushy
  • add the strawberries and rest of ingredients to the freezer bowl of the  ice-cream maker and let the ice-cream maker do its work until it is almost firm
  • transfer to tupperware dishes or similar and put into the freezer and ENJOY

Every Blessing,

Spring in the garden 2016

Saturday, 14 May 2016

We are now in full Spring and here a couple of photos of two of the apple trees in full bloom which is great but I am not sure if all of the trees in the garden are going to produce fruit this year so we will just have to wait and see. There are four apple trees and one victoria plum tree.

The garden is looking pretty wild at the moment and it definitely needs a lot of work done but this will just have to wait.

I love this time of year which spells out New Life and reminds me of the New Life which Jesus gave to all of us whether we know Him or not. He is the reason why we are alive full stop.

Also this season spells out summer foods and away with the winter/fall menu until October. English Strawberries, Jersey Royal Potatoes and Asparagus are all in season now along with other delicious fresh produce.

I have made ice-cream and so far I have experimented with Cointreau and Orange and also Strawberry. I am going to make Vanilla over this weekend too of which I will probably post how I make this lovely dessert. I just love Ice-cream full stop :)

Summer clothes are now all ironed and hung up in the wardrobe and put away in draws. I have been blessed with a almost a full wardrobe of new clothes from a very Dear Friend so I am all stocked up which is such a blessing :) All the clothes are put away in co-ordinated colours which is a first for me lol

Well I guess this is enough info for now but I will keep you updated on more Spring/Early Summer menus etc so watch this space :)


Every Blessing,

Layered Salads

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

I have made a couple of layered salads in jars, of which a box of jars was given to me for free from a lady in my town. The idea for the above I got the idea from Crystal at

I went shopping today for salad ingredients and I have put in a layer of honey and mustard dressing, celery, radishes, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes topped off with salad leaves. I will have this for my lunch for the next couple of days. At the weekend I will make six layered salads for the fridge for next week.  This is really a neat idea and will have the above with cheese or ham for my lunches for Thursday and Friday.

Bon Appetite :)

Every Blessing,

Menu Plan week beginning 24th April 2016

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Here is this weeks menu plan:

  • Sunday - Roast Goose, Roasted Veggies with broccoli and gravy, followed by sticky toffee pudding and ice cream

  • Monday - Left over goose with fried potatoes, sweetcorn, mange tout and peppers

  • Tuesday - Salmon encroute with potatoes and asparagus

  • Wednesday - Ham, Egg and chips

  • Thursday - chicken curry with rice

  • Friday - lamb cutlets with fried potatoes and asparagus

  • Saturday steak, chips or potato croquettes and asparagus

Every Blessing,

A new blogging season has begun

Sunday, 24 April 2016

It has been a very long time since I last blogged and finally I have decided to start blogging again so watch this space for new blog posts to be uploaded on a more frequent basis :)

I guess I just got to the stage whereby I did not know what to write anymore and hence had writers block - three years is quite a long time for this lol.

I am going to get back into writing poetry again and I will be uploading menu plans, recipes and well just about anything that I can think of to write about.

Please keep coming back for updates

Every Blessing,

Dear Lord

Saturday, 2 January 2016

There are many times
I find it hard to show my love to you
And the going gets tough
and I;m finding it rough
But in the end I know I'm gonna get through

O Dear Lord I need you more than ever

When I'm lying awake
I look back to the time you set me free
and I'm thankful to You
Just knowing it's true
That on on the cross you died for me at Calvary

O Dear Lord I need you more than ever

O Dear Lord I need you more than ever
You know how much I love you
You know how much I need you
I need you now
I need you for all eternity
Oh yes this much I know is true

Not so long ago
I seemed to be running to hide from you
I was churning inside
Not swallowing my pride
Once again I knew I needed you

O Dear Lord I need you more than ever
You know how much I love you
You know how much I need you
I need you now
I need you now for all eternity
This much I know is true

Copyright: Page Alexanda

Every Blessing,

Those who are willing

Friday, 1 January 2016

Those who are willing
To wait upon me
Will gain their new strength
From the love that I breathe
They will fly high
With the wings of a bird
Rush like the wind
With the power of my Word
Stirred up inside
With nothing to hide
No longer ashamed
Delivered from pain

Are you now willing
To give me a chance
For life I have given
Was planned in advance
Your weakness I'll take
And give you back strength
Enough to uphold you
In future events
 I am the God
Who lovingly cares
And I'll take you to
The place I've prepared

The Kingdom of Heaven
Is that dwelling place
From which flows the river
Of mercy and grace
Until the time comes
To call you by name
Rest in my presence
And you will remain
Saved by the blood
A prisoner set free
Willing to serve
And wait upon Me

© Copyright Page Alexanda

Every Blessing,