A Disciplined Life

Below is a list of some things I intend doing and not in any specific order, but this is to get myself more disciplined into spending more time with The Lord.

           Keep a prayer card with targets on it and people and matters to pray for regularly

·         Fast one day a meal a week but drink plenty of water

·         Give up something, give away surplus clothes, give financially regularly

·         Read through the bible in a year or read 2-4 chapters a day

·         Use a concordance and commentary to study themes such as grace or the trinity or discipleship
·         Get up 15 minutes earlier to pray or allow enough time before going breakfast or even during breakfast

·         Find a place to regularly pray

·         Do a prayer watch hour

·         Meditate for 15 minutes whenever you can, try using a candle to look at or music to meditate for some time

·         Get up (an example of 6am) and pray for an hour – try this once at least

·         Stop in the middle of the day for at least 10 minutes to be quiet with God – make a habit of it
·         Join in a regular prayer meeting

·         Learn a passage of scripture by heart over a period of time or a verse a week

·         Work on self-control in speech such as complete honesty. Minimize use of I and reduce all negativity or be silent for a spell

·         Resolve to be in the His Spirit all weekend

·         Pray with someone to bring the grace, salvation, healing etc

·         Confess your faults to someone each week. Ask mature Christians to tell you faults to work on. Ask three people to tell you three weakness and three virtual strengths

·         Tell a friend what you are feeling and why. Invite Jesus into it and practice it

·         Avoid possessive or soulish relationships

·         Read devotional books

·         Give thanks for every meal or snack

·         Make new friendships, welcome your friends. Learn to understand why people are the way they are

·         Give up anything addictive, e.g. television, sweets, daydreaming, types of reading etc

·         Be a hard worker, dig a garden or help someone to move to a new house

·         Replace unhelpful thinking with better stuff. Openness, personal rules. Positive thinking, reason, repentance, perseverance (lustful thoughts etc)

·         Tell yourself in the mirror “you are loved by God” and that you are a servant of God

·         Watch your health by eating correctly and regular exercise etc

·         Write poetry or songs

·         Go for a walk alone, take in God’s creation and take in the difference from man made environments and listen to God

·         Keep a spiritual diary

Every Blessing,