The Call

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Will you answer me when I call?
Or will you be out having a ball
With friends instead of reaching out to me
Can you not answer, can you not see?
The love I have for you
Is so strong this please know is true

What do you do with your days
Do you want to reach out to me or go your way?
I am calling out to you with everything I have
If you go your own way you will feel my wrath
For I have called you by name
Nothing no nothing is ever the same

Do you want to be near to me or not?
Or is it in hell you would rather go to rot
This is not a game that I am playing
For it is my truth to you I am relaying
For it is no fun going this journey alone
For at the end of the day I desire you to come back home

Listen to me and hear my voice my child
For if you go your own way you will end up wild
Please know that for you I have the best of intentions
for the day has gone by which was my ascension
I am now with the Father of all
For this was His intention before the great fall

So where will you go to from here I ask
Do you ever take time out to pray and to fast?
If not, then what do you do with your time
Is reaching out to me such a great bind
My love is greater than any other
For mine is a love that does not smother

I am here if you want me but if not, I understand
I will not bother you nor will I force your hand
For it is your decision whether or not you accept my love
For my peace I give to you just like that of a dove
I am here for you no matter what
But if you don’t want my love then in hell you will rot

My love for you may come as a great surprise
Just accept it as such so please hear my cry
I want to enter into your heart and your soul
For in your life I hold the most important role
If only you will let me in once and for all
But if not then you are headed for a great fall

I would rather your heart be hot or cold
Rather than lukewarm as I don’t fit into that mould
So, come to me my child as I beckon
For my love is not something to be reckoned
I knew you before you entered your mother’s womb
For in heaven my house is a place of many rooms
Copyright: Page Alexanda May 2018

Every Blessing,