Our little family is growing and we now have 9 chicks, one cockerel and 2 ducklings. We have wanted chickens for the last couple of years but it wasn't until 5 weeks ago that we decided (or rather I fell in love with two chicks which we brought home) and hence our little family started extending. We couldn't just stop at two though as Andrew wanted ducks as well and over the next couple of weeks we added more and more to our brood - so we end up with twelve which we are sticking to, well for the time being anyways :)
Only three of them have names at the moment and Andrew keeps asking when I am going to name them all. Hmm, I will get round to this eventually!
These first four pics are of our youngest chicks (including the cockerel):
The next couple are of the ducklings and our two older chicks:
So there you have it some photos of our ever extending family. I say ever extending family as DH would like some more ducks at some stage, but we will see!
We have one chicken coop and two runs or rather one run plus an extended run and this weekend we will be ordering our second coop and another run. Andrew is also going to put an extra run using up some more of the garden which will give the chicks and ducklings more space to roam around in.
It will be at least another couple of months before any of them start laying especially as they are pure breeds - so that will be fun. We will be giving eggs away to friends and possibly sell some of the eggs too as well as using them up ourselves - hmm lots of recipe ideas to start searching for :)
Ok, onto Patch and Biz now. Patch did have a swimming pool for a short while but unfortunately he decided to put holes in it which we did patch up (excuse the pun :lol) but then he broke the pool a second and final time.
This is one of the photos we took of Patch in the pool and he was loving it :)
The next couple of pics were taken at the weekend.
and finally onto Biz, bless her - she is now twelve years old and such a sweetheart.
Here are a couple of really cute photos of her :)
She is just too cute :)
Besides, playing house with our (what is becoming a smallholding) :lol we have not been doing much else and we haven't had much time due to going to different places looking at chicks and coops etc which has been fun though.
Our fruit trees are doing ok, well at least two of the apple trees are doing better than the other two we have. Our plum tree has quite a lot of fruit too.
Here is our main apple tree that is bowing over with the weight of the apples
The rest of our garden is just doing ok on its own. We have a vegetable patch at the top of our garden which has potatoes, carrots, baby sweetcorn, tomatoes, courgettes and potatoes. We had some potatoes from the garden for supper last night and they were delicious and very yummy :)
So there you have it our life at home at the moment. We are finally beginning to get some summer weather and it is really hot at the moment which is great, though not for Patch or Biz as the heat is too much for them.
We have had lots of rain over the past couple of weeks which we have so badly needed as we had pracitcally no rain for two months which was not good for the gardens or the farmers.
and finally just below are some photos taken at Hillsong church just recently which I thought I would just throw in. The pics were taken at the church in Leatherhead but these have come out really well.
and that is about it for updates for now. I really hope you have enjoyed being part of what is going on at home and church.