My War Binder

Saturday, 25 February 2017

The above is a photo of My War Binder and if you would like to know how to make one then watch the video below - it really is very simple :)

So what exactly is a War Binder you may ask - well if you have watched the film The War Room then you will know this film is all about prayer - so a group of ladies decided to create a group called War Binder and War Binder Faithful Penpals, this is so that those of us who wanted to could share prayer requests plus get to know and make new friends. The War Binder is basically a Travellers Notebook (which you can get from a store such as Michael's in the USA and Canada) or from Amazon plus you can get notebooks to fit into your binder. You can label the notebooks in the binder with tabs and decorate the binder as to how you wish. This binder is to help you with your prayer life. Now quite a few people have created what is called A War Room using a closet or room in their homes or if you have not got space then you can just use a corner of your room which is what I have done. I have a desk, laptop, shelves for craft plus a book shelf with prayer books and my journalling bible on it and this shelf is above my desk.

So why not go ahead and start your very own War Binder and/or prayer closet today. Spending much needed time in prayer will help you to draw closer to The Lord and having both my own "Prayer" space and War Binder is helping me for sure :)

Have fun plus if you are on facebook and want to join War Binder Faithful Penpals - just request to join, though I will say this is mostly for women at the moment!.

Every Blessing,

Looking Out From The Inside

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Looking out from the inside
I had so much to hide
Why O why
I constantly cried
I wondered did this have to be me

Looking out from the inside
Often times where I lied
Why O why
All that happened, I couldn't abide
Living on the edge constantly ashamed

There's a sound of raging thunder
Nothing that appeared asunder
Nothing ever seemed the same again
But who's to blame
Wandering around in the darkness
There's no pain that feels quite like this
Who and where and what and how to be
If only this were just a dream

Looking out from the inside
Feelings of being tied
Why O why
There was no one I could confide
Loneliness, despair, rejection - all the time

There's a sound of raging thunder
Nothing that appeared asunder
Nothing ever seemed the same again
But who's to blame
Wandering around in the darkness
There's no pain that feels quite like this
Who and where and what and how to be
If only this were just a dream

Copyright Page Alexanda Feb 2017

Every Blessing,