My amazing God

Monday, 8 January 2018

You are the lover of my soul
And my love for you is deep and this is my role
I want to bring to you everything I can
For there is nothing from you that is banned

I know I am the apple of your eye
I can see for miles around and look up at the sky
I want to know you much more intimately
This is a love for me that goes so deeply

I am not content just to hear your voice
But I want to shout out your name and rejoice
For you are as I said everything to me
And all I have to do is to simply believe

Your grace is more than sufficient
For you are all loving and all omniscient
What more could I ask for you to do
I know that my love for you still feels new

Even though I have been saved many years
There are many times I cry out to you and shed tears
For you are so gracious and kind at that
I know sometimes I can act like a brat

I know I shouldn’t act in this way
And I need your forgiveness what more can I say
There are times that I need to keep myself in check
But with you I do desire to wander further and to trek

For your love is so great and this is my one desire
For you alone set my heart which is on fire
I am thirsty and hungry for you please know this
If I could I would do anything for you and there would be no risk

So, I ask what can I do for you my beautiful king
To reach out to you even further what can I bring
You are so special my heart just flutters
When I spend time with you there are so many words I want to utter

Time with you is definitely and infinitely well spent
And I know in your presence there are times I feel unkempt
But even still I love you so much more than words can tell
And you have me completely and utterly under your spell

These feelings of mine go so much beyond words
And I feel like flying with joy just like the birds
I want to be around you all of the time
I realise with you that I am very much in my prime

So, my awesome wonderful and amazing God
With you I don’t want to be alone and spend time on my todd
For you know that time spent sleeping when I should be awake
For so much do I want to spend time with you that my heart surely aches
Copyright: Page Alexanda July 2018

Every Blessing,