You are a tower and strength to all
Now we must all be ready to take the
Of answering you and your voice to hear
For in you there is mercy and just no
Every stronghold must be broken
For to worship you it is to be more than
just a token
You wear the victors crown, you have
For in heaven every battle you have won
Satan can no longer come near you
Let alone touch you so what can he do
Nothing, no nothing at all
For at the end of the day this is your
You shout for every victory
For you have gone down in history
You are the only one who reigns on high
I want to come along for more than just a ride
You alone can never be defeated
For every person you are found
You are sharper than any two-edged sword
For it is for everyone that your love
you poured
What can possibly go wrong in your eyes
I guess for some your second coming will
be a surprise
For not everyone will be ready
But in your love, they need to be steady
Am I ready to get up and be available to
For what I have in you for you are my
At the cross your work was finished
Whereby people’s sins you then
For your dying was worth it then
And still is to this day for some a wrench
By your grace I live and breathe in your
For you alone I will give beyond and
For this is no small matter at the heart
of it
For every breath you gave your last bit
On that cross when you died for every
one of us
This you did without so much as a single
You bled and died on the rugged cross
But for those who don’t know you, hey it
is their loss
I just pray that one day they will see
And not just be alone and sit on the
For me, I was broken and torn in two
But at the same time I was often crying
until I was blue
One day you indeed spoke to this heart
of mine
And so now at your table I can now feast
and dine
For you showed me your love in not so
many words
But it was through Your Word that your
voice I heard
And from that day onwards several years
Your love I can safely say is a love
that I now behold
Page Alexanda April 2018