Where would we be without friends
Who mostly stick with us through and
The days months and the years going by
Some friends are just there for one day
at a time
But still they are forever there
Joining up once a week or a fortnight
Or maybe even on those times for several
Cups of coffee at a garden centre or even
We would swap stories as we were sitting
down to munch
But still they are forever there
There were times when we would sit down
to pray
Or even just sit quietly not saying very
It didn’t matter if we didn’t always
Just getting together was more than a
But still they are forever there
If you were sick or wanted to chat just
They would come round and see if you were
Checking in on you even by the telephone
Perhaps all you wanted to do was to moan
But still they are forever there
Some friendships come and go along the
At times only were these friends for a
You may see them a few times but then
never again
But other friendships would stick with
you to the very end
But still they are forever there
Maybe you wanted to go on a shopping trip
To a distant town or even just down the
You sometimes called off if you were
unwell but this was rare
And sometimes you could be a little late but
they would not care
But still they are forever there
You could rely on all your friends who
were faithful and true
They would rally round you in such times
of need
They knew you so well that they had got
you down to a fine art
Good companions were they with a good
tender heart
But still they are forever there
Some friendships are so very rare to find
You meet them in sometimes the most
unusual places
On a train maybe or even just out on a
Some friends would for you just go out on
a limb
But still they are forever there
It happens that you have friends overseas
as well
Quite often through the internet including social media
You exchange gifts and sometimes emails
at that
Or even sometimes they would just call
for a chat
But still they are forever there
So do treasure these pots of gold wherever
you are
For they don’t happen too often throughout
your life
For these dear friendships can be so very
hard to find
They are so precious and also so very loving
and kind
But still they are forever there
Page Alexanda 2018