More often than not they would need a
With coats so filthy it was scarce to
They were normally so clean how could
this be
Was it seriously so hard to tow the line
Just keeping them from being dirty was
such a bind
When at home all they wanted was to
Not a sound could be heard, not even a
As good as gold were they when you were
But left on their own, not a bone could
be found
With toys here and there just scattered
at bay
They were often found right where you
were laid
Meal times were certain to be hard work
you know
With food gone in a minute, hey where
did it go
For sure they would often sneak up onto
your lap
For your food as well, so I guess that
is that
They wouldn’t leave you alone for a
They would steal from your plate, so in
the end you just bin it
In the late evening when it was time to
turn in for the night
Could you simply go to sleep without the
dogs having a fight
For once in your room which was your own and
not to share
The dogs jumped on the bed too as they
really couldn’t care
About the little space you were left
with in such a big bed
Were the dogs all there or had they gone
soft in the head
Patch especially the older one of the
Would sometimes not care where he went
to the loo
And after Fleur joined us she would
follow suit
By the front door in the mornings she
would leave her loot
Why oh why couldn’t they simply learn
But I guess there bottoms were itching
so much they would burn
They were fun dogs to have so let it not
be told
Whereby they would more often than not,
do as they were told
So happy and carefree they loved to run
Sometimes, just sometimes they would
behave like a naughty child
They were great guard dogs if anyone came
to the door
and so full of mischief your voice they
would sometimes ignore
At the end of the day they were as happy
as the lark
Their voices could be heard and boy
could they bark
If strangers were around especially on
If not given the right commands then
they would purely just baulk
So wonderful companions were they to
have and behold
It was easy to see how they would often
do as their told
Page Alexanda March 2018