Mothering Sunday 2018

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Mothering Sunday has been a very difficult day for many years now and ever since my daughter who is now 22 was adopted. This for me is one of the most hardest days of the year and I get very stressed and anxious and well this is basically is just one of the worst days of the year for me besides Christmas and birthdays.

I tend to buy myself a plant from a local garden center around this time of year and last year I purchased a plant which amazingly is still alive and thriving. Below is a picture....

I think the plant pictured above is called a Peace Lilly but I am not entirely certain.

Today I went for a coffee with a friend to a farm shop which has a small gift/plant shop attached to the farm shop and I purchase the rose pictured below. It is very pretty so again, below is a picture....

I normally keep myself busy at this time of year and distract myself if I can so tomorrow the friend that I met today is coming over for lunch after church and weather permitting, we may end up going for a walk so we shall see.

I hope for all you Mothers out there that you have a wonderful and blessed Mothering Sunday :)

Every Blessing,