On the night of the crucifixion
The soldiers took Jesus away
He carried the cross by Himself
And couldn’t’ keep the soldiers at bay
But of which they nailed him to the
cross on that fateful night
Of which Jesus did nothing and as for
the soldiers what they did was not right
For I think they wished they hadn’t been
On this that fateful day
But they did absolutely nothing
No, they had little left to say
The leading priests objected to the name
on the sign
Asking if they would change it I guess
they thought there was nothing of the kind
Two others were put either side of Him
With Jesus in between
The crows looked on and jeered
And others wondered where Jesus has been
Pilate posted a sign that said Jesus King
of the Jews to the cross
The crowds just looked on and some indeed
looked very lost
But Jesus said I am the King of the Jews
Then they whipped and spat on Him
So much that He had blood pouring from
his wounds
They pulled Him from side to side and
from limb to limb
Until the time that came that Jesus was
indeed dead
For this was the beginning of the end
for so the sign had read
So, Joseph took the body and removed it
from the cross
they took Jesus and buried him in the garden
with perfumed ointments made from myrrh
and aloes
and so, they wrapped Him in the spices,
but the men were full of gloom
along with so many others they were sad
at what had taken place
they never thought they would see this
day come not at any rate
On the third day after that fateful day
Which was in the early hours of Saturday
Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and
That the stone has been rolled away
without warning
She ran to find Peter the other disciple
whom Jesus had loved
And told him they had taken the Lord’s
body from the stone above
She said that he had disappeared
And no one knows where he had gone
The other disciples ran to look inside
But the body was no longer there so what
had gone wrong
The cloth that has enveloped Jesus was
folded up and laid aside
The disciples were perplexed, the fate
of Jesus they just couldn’t abide
Mary was standing outside the tomb
Crying and she wept as she looked in
Where two angels appeared either side of
and a man with them as Mary wondered, her
head was in a spin
He asked her why she had been crying and
who she was looking for
She thought he was the gardener and then
she realised it was Jesus at the core
She wondered at this and couldn’t
Her eyes as she looked at him in wonder
and surprise
She carried on looking at Him not
knowing what to say
So, her thoughts were in turmoil
wondering why Him, she hadn’t recognised
Her Lord and saviour who has been with
her all those years
As she looked at Him now her eyes
brimmed over with tears
She clung to Him and wouldn’t let go
Until Jesus asked her not to cling to
Him no more
She said Rabbi which is Hebrew for
And her eyes from where the tears flowed
were very sore
For Jesus said to her I am ascended unto
my Father who is my God
And He is also your God but she already
knew He had paid the cost
Then unto the disciples off she went
And she told them for I have seen The
For they did not believe her and carried
on about their business
Until Jesus also appeared to them and
they thought he was a fraud
But then they realised He was Jesus whom
was sent from up above
And they knew without a doubt that in
them He would forever love
Jesus suffered as He did for sinners far
and wide
For everyone on this earth His suffering
was worth the pain
For without His love what have we got to
Lose for with Him we have everything to
He shed his blood for all to see and His
scars would never fade
As this story told over two thousand
years ago is valid to this very day
Page Alexanda March 2018